Transit Lilith in 6th House

"I embrace the power within me, honoring my desires and finding balance in my daily life."

Achieving work-life balance
Improving vigor
Working flexibly
Having an open mind

Transit Lilith in 6th House

During Transit Lilith in the 6th House, you may experience a period of reevaluating and transforming your daily routines and habits. This could manifest as rebellion at work, engaging in a romantic affair with a coworker, or even leaving your job to pursue a more independent career path.

Furthermore, this transit may also inspire you to take a proactive approach to your physical health. You might find yourself diving into strict diets, intense workout regimes, or exploring unconventional healing methods.

To navigate this transit successfully, it is crucial to strike a balance between routine and flexibility. Remember that rigid adherence does not determine your self-worth, nor does it make you superior to those who have a more relaxed approach. Focus on finding daily equilibrium for your body, mind, and soul.

Black Moon Lilith represents the untamed, fierce, and primal aspects of the divine feminine. It embodies a refusal to be controlled, a fight for rights, and an ownership of desires.

Some individuals may repress or deny these urges due to shame or societal stigma, while others may misuse or overindulge in them, leading to destructive behavior. It is essential to integrate the energies of Black Moon Lilith and learn to express these aspects of your personality consciously and purposefully, free from guilt or violence.

Question to reflect on: How can you honor your unique desires and assert your rights without succumbing to destructive behaviors or societal pressure?