Transit Psyche in 2nd House

"I am unearthing the abundance within and embracing a life of kindness and generosity."

Exploring your core values
Uncovering hidden motivations
Reflecting on material accumulation
Exploring psychological motivations

Transit Psyche in 2nd House

It’s common to feel like you need to be secure physically first before attending to the deeper, more meaningful parts of life. A deep understanding of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs exists within this house… what a human being needs to survive and thrive. Due to this, there can be a focus on the accumulation of material resources that precedes the deep soul dive Psyche requires. Once you embark on this journey, you might find that abundance is all around you and even exists as a part of you, paving a way for kindness and generosity.

This is a time of taking inventory over your values. Why do you spend money on what you spend money on? Why are you drawn towards what you are drawn to? If there is anything psychologically underlying any of these questions, it will rise to the surface during this time. You may also have realizations about the way you view yourself, in addition to ideas for new means of income, especially when you are regularly reflecting or meditating.