Transit Sun in 10th House

I am embracing the journey of self-discovery, gradually evolving into my authentic self, while cherishing the love and support of my parents along the way.

Taking Responsibility for Good and Bad
Finding Healing Surroundings
Connecting with Your Parents
Making a Career Shift

Transit Sun in 10th House

The Tenth House relates to the manifestation of your ego drives within a social context, so with the Sun in the Tenth House you should turn your focus to your career or your role in larger society.
Ask yourself: Where am I going with my life? In a broader social context, who am I? What kind of life would I like to have ten years from now? What could I do now to take steps towards it?
Ponder these questions, examine your life as a whole, and be ready to adjust it according to the answers that may come.
Be wary, however, of making radical changes to your identity on a whim. Reputation is everything in this world, and damage to it in the digital world is hard to undo.
So take on the new gradually, bit by bit. Keep in touch with and love everything you have been, and then what you will become will be all the more authentic.
Parents are a great source of grounding and support in this world, and now is a good time to interact more with them. Only when you have a mature relationship with your parents are you truly an adult.
Reach out for genuine connection and they will most likely meet you halfway.