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May 30th Gemini Decan 1




Gemini Zodiac Signs


The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed! This is one of the joy-of life signs, one that reaches out, expands and expresses. Ruler of Mercury. Gemini is an inquisitive student with a quick grasp of subjects. Mutable motivation brings adaptability. This is wonderful because variety-loving Gemini needs change. A flexible personality ensures that Gemini can connect with others. Gemini's active energy can go too far, and then Gemini has a hard time finding the right direction. Members of this sign needs a countervailing force of stability. The desire to communicate quickly and rapidly benefits when tempered by receptivity. Then not only can the Twins speak, they can listen in return -- and complete the circuit! Balance comes from slowing down, listening, and learning the fine art of follow-through! 

The Positive Side of Gemini:

The person born under this sign of the Heavenly Twins is usually quite bright and quickwitted. Some of them are capable of doing many different things. The Gemini person very often has many different interest. He keeps an open mind and is always anxious to learn new things. The Geminian is often an analytical person. He is a person who enjoys making use of his intellect. He is governed more by his mind than by his emotions. He is a person who is not confined to one view; he can often understand both sides to a problem or question. He knows how to reason; how to make rapid decisions if need be. He is an adaptable person and can make himself at home almost anywhere. There are all kinds of situations he can adapt to. He is a person who seldom doubts himself; he is sure of his talents and his ability to think and reason. The Geminian is generally most satisfied when he is in a situation where he can make use of his intellect. Never short of imagination, he often has strong talents for invention. He is rather a modern person when it comes to life; the Geminian almost always moves along with the times-perhaps that is why he remains so youthful throughout most of his life. Literature and art appeal to the person born under this sign. Creativity in almost any form
will interest and intrigue the Gemini man or woman. The Geminian is often quite charming. A good talker, he often is the center of attraction at any gathering. People find it easy to like a person born under this sign because he can appear easygoing and usually has a good sense of humor.

The Negative Side of Gemini:
Sometimes the Gemini person tries to do too many things at one time-and as a result, winds up finishing nothing. Some Geminians are easily distracted and find it rather difficult to concentrate on one thing for too long a time. Sometimes they give in to trifling fancies and find it rather boring to become too serious about anything. Some of them are never dependable, no matter what they promise. Although the Gemini man or woman often appears to be well-versed on many subjects, this is sometimes just a veneer. His knowledge may be only superficial, but because he speaks so well he gives people the impression of erudition. Some Geminians are sharp-tongued and inconsiderate; they think only of themselves and their own pleasure. 

Duality, which seeks to explore every option, and air, which blows things into every nook and cranny ? are very complimentary and have a lot in common. Combining dualism and air in a single sign makes Gemini the archetype dual sign. This sign is the least interested in making a decision or a commitment ? it wants to enjoy every possibility and explore every option. Gemini is like the air blowing every which way.


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Animal Totems/Rooster.jpg...


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Animal Totems/Cassowary.jpg...


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