Full Moon in Cancer


The full moon on Saturday December 22, 2018 at 0° Cancer makes a helpful aspect to Uranus. This Full Moon period has a slightly restrained quality, with the masculine facets of the Sun and Saturn in Capricorn opposing the Cancer Moon’s feminine, intuitive energy.

 New people or even a new attitude could lead to pleasant surprises with your career, finances or love life this Christmas. Venus trine Neptune is another strong influence on the full moon and is a good omen for romance.

Mars in Pisces can express as super-emotional, especially if people are more sensitive or alcohol is flowing. Nonetheless, Mars is conjunct Chiron, the sky’s Wounded Healer, so feelings need to be felt and tears may need to flow in order to heal something. With Mars sextile Pluto, we may be surprised at how deep our emotions run at times, but humans were intended to have feelings and to care. We need compassion for ourselves and for others in this process, with an attitude of “better let it out than hold it in,” whilst not taking too much too personally.

 With Uranus retrograding back through Aries, the surprise element has a distinctly personal and individual feel, whilst also extending further, due to the natural reach of outer planets. There could also be a wonderful surprise that nobody saw coming, marked by Uranus in trine to the Sun and sextile to the Moon. This may not seem obvious in the astrological picture at first, because the connection is out of sign, with the Full Moon at 0° Cancer–Capricorn and Uranus aspecting the Sun–Moon opposition from 28° Aries.