New Moon in Pisces


The New Moon at 15° Pisces is conjunct Neptune, at home in its native sign, as well as Vesta. The brightest of the asteroids, Vesta has been described as the sacred flame and inner fire, a sort of spiritual pilot light within us. Without this inner guidance connecting us to the divine, it is harder for us to feel powered up and confident about our decisions.

This New Moon presents an opportunity to truly reconnect at that inner, heart level and, through the Pisces filter, to feel at one with much more around us including both the seen and the unseen. Since Pisces and Neptune link strongly to the dream realm, we might have significant dreams, perhaps with spiritual themes, which connect to invisible but deeply felt worlds. 

 The Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Vesta in Pisces are sextile Saturn, which also urges us to keep our feet firmly on the ground. How can these forces work together? They can do so easily enough if we learn how to translate the content of our dreams into insights that we can use in practical way.  Saturn stresses that we take concrete steps to make something of our visions; that we build something solid from our thoughts, through actions that we become accountable for.

Pluto is also sextile Moon so while we may enjoy the wonder of dreams and greater spiritual contact, this feeling of a stronger connection is not enough. We have a duty, according to Saturn and Pluto, to do something significant and to transform whatever is not working in our lives.

A challenging square from Jupiter to the Pisces New Moon takes in all of the Pisces stellium, including Mercury, and suggests that the way forward is not crystal clear. Mercury in Pisces, sometimes linked with clouding the truth, is now at a critical 29° of the sign.