New Moon in Taurus

A gentle, delicious, luxurious, and juicy New Moon dawns in the lush sign of Taurus on May 7th. Here, the Queen of Heaven is known as ‘exalted’, meaning that she’s at her strongest and most powerful in this most peaceful and patient of earth signs. 

The energy brought with this Moon is abundant and delightfully hedonistic. She invites us all to bask in the comforts and embodied pleasure that is the birthright of Taurean season. This serves as soothing balm to our souls after the wild ride of the previous month’s eclipse storms. Storms which may only be dying down not to a slow-burning ember, a reminder of the shifts and chaos that preceded this period of relative calm.

Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, sits snugly beside both Luminaries, lending her gifts of love, affection, sweetness, and charm. This is a lunation that lacks nothing; it’s overflowing with possibilities. Possibilities to begin again in the realms of our relationships, most specifically. Possibilities to get back in touch with the wisdom of our bodies, the security of our physical world. Eclipse Season tossed, churned turned our worlds upside down, with many endings and just as many new beginnings. The call was to choose ourselves over people-pleasing patterns, to make strong decisions against the face of all odds. 

Now, this Taurus New Moon invites respite, invites stability. Our ships have finally reached peaceful waters, and oh, how we deserve this! Whether that’s peace within or peace or without, this peace is cherished because it’s so hard-won. Venus is separating from an intense square to Pluto, wherein we were challenged to stand our ground and stay true to our integrity. To boldly face our shadow and acknowledge that it holds our greatest gifts.

The next several months bring to culmination the intentions set during this time, making it important to petition Archetypal Aphrodite and ask for more relaxation, more pleasure, more ease. Is it in love? In money? In our home? In our career? These are all areas ruled by the beautiful Bull and all within the realm of Venus’s domain. Ask and Ye Shall Receive.

The New Moon is also linked to both Uranus and Jupiter, planets that recently united and brought about sudden, surprising, beneficial and tangible shifts when it came to Taurus topics. As such, there are bound to be some twists and turns upon our journey to abundance and stability. Rest assured we are more than equipped to handle these. Freedom is assured.

With Moon Sextile Saturn, the manifestations we create will be able to withstand the currents that life naturally brings, should we choose discipline, dedication, and commitment. Commitment to our person, to our tribe, to our sweethearts, our vocation, to material responsibility. Commitment to our pleasure, to learning to listen to our bodies, so important to the typical Taurus. Intuition lives in our cells. The body has her own natural wisdom to share, if we just tune in.