August Monthly Horoscope


August brings a mix of introspection, personal growth, and relationship dynamics. The energy encourages reconnecting with our true selves, expressing authenticity, and embracing courage. Relationships may become more thoughtful and discerning, with a focus on intellectual and professional connections. This period also calls for reassessing daily routines and health practices, adapting to unexpected changes, and striving for balance and harmony in interactions. 

The New Moon in passionate Leo on August 4th reminds us to come back to our hearts, to come back to our souls, to come back to our light.

Under this cosmic marriage of the heavenly Luminaries, our task is to remember who we truly are. And then, to live and breathe that truth into the world - boldly and with great courage. There's nothing like the strength that lies in the heart of the Lion(ess). Tuning into this universal Archetype of power and vitality will help us, the individual, find the spark within. The Source of all that is, is pure light. Inside of us is a sacred fragment of that light. The Leo New Moon reminds that although we are Sovereign beings, we are also all divinely connected.

The transit of Venus through Virgo also on August 4th brings a period of meticulous attention to detail and a refined approach to relationships. During this time, you may find yourself drawn to partners who share your intellectual pursuits or professional interests. High standards and a thoughtful approach to relationships may make it challenging to engage in a spontaneous love life, possibly delaying or even indefinitely postponing commitments like marriage. However, this period is also marked by a deep commitment to improving and perfecting your relationships, often inspiring efforts to bring out the best in both yourself and your partner.

It’s Mercury’s third backwards dance this year, with a 4th and final retrograde coming up in November 2024. This is a hybrid retrograde, meaning that it’s one that will cross over two signs, and thus, reflect two very different kinds of energies.

Also on August 4th in Virgo, Mercury’s delayed motion reflects challenges and reflections around finances, plans, meetings, routines, health, and other structures that govern the day-to-day running of life.

For many of us, it can feel extremely frustrating to have our careful plans interrupted. If we’re flexible, we can find a way to adapt and accept that we don’t have control over everything. For those of us who are more fixed in nature, this may prove a push. Nevertheless, Virgo is a mutable sign, meaning that at heart, it’s more malleable than it appears.

Mercury retrogrades are, in essence, positive. Despite the inevitable frustrations, they’re there to teach us how to reflect and slow down. Virgo also rules the topic of wellness and health. Are there areas here that we could improve? Can we release routines that are no longer working? Are we inviting unnecessary anxiety that could be eased if we learned to let go of our stubborn (possibly obsessive) grip?

It’s said that no two Aquarians are the same. Individuals born under this sign often resolutely refuse to admit that they have anything in common with one another.

Yet, if there’s one quality that threads through all Aquarians, it is the ability to stand out. To be wildly unpredictable, unusual and fascinating, whilst still remaining stoic, solid, and in a strange way, highly consistent. Being ruled by eclectic Uranus and structured Saturn creates what Aquarius is known for – their contradictory nature.

Thus, it’s fitting that this Aquarius Full Moon on August 19th, is exactly that – unpredictable, inconsistent, and impossible to pin down. Exactly square Uranus, it’s a Full Moon that takes perverse delight in the shocking, in the unexpected, in the sudden turn of events, decisions, and situations. For as much as Aquarius likes to make the rules, they love breaking them even more.

What rules are being broken for you during this wild lunation? What’s coming undone? More importantly, what is this creating space for?

As Virgo season begins on August 22nd, the collective energy shifts towards meticulousness and a keen eye for detail. This period is all about embracing precision, analysis, and a methodical approach in daily life. The Virgo vibe brings a strong focus on intellectual pursuits and a deep love of work, urging us to be useful, particularly in serving others. It's a time when the practical and the analytical reign supreme, with a special emphasis on cleanliness and orderliness.

However, Virgo season isn't without its challenges. The energy can sometimes veer into the territory of being overly critical, obsessing over minor details, and becoming too high-strung. These tendencies might make it harder to relax or connect with others in a more laid-back way. The key challenge during this time is to balance the sharp analytical edge with a softer, more flexible approach to avoid unnecessary stress and overthinking.

As Venus moves into Libra on August 29th, the energy shifts towards charm, elegance, and a focus on harmonious relationships. This period enhances natural attractiveness and social grace, making interactions more pleasant and engaging. Those influenced by this transit are likely to experience an increased appeal to others, thanks to their charm, good looks, and affectionate nature. Venus in Libra emphasizes the importance of meaningful and balanced relationships, both socially and romantically, for overall well-being and emotional health.

The desire for harmony and balance is strong during this time, especially in romantic relationships. While there is a natural inclination towards affection and romance, these are not the only factors considered essential for a fulfilling partnership. Intellectual compatibility, social grace, and companionship are equally important. Those influenced by Venus in Libra seek partners who can provide a well-rounded connection, valuing peace and avoiding conflict. This transit encourages a laid-back and easy-going approach to relationships, with a strong aversion to discord or tension.