October Monthly Horoscope


October begins with a surge of transformative energy, as the cosmos invites us into a potent period of reflection, growth, and closure. The month feels like a pivotal turning point, where the tension between old cycles and new possibilities becomes palpable. It’s a time to confront the patterns that have shaped our journey, while opening ourselves to the opportunities that lie ahead. This moment carries an unmistakable sense of anticipation, urging us to embrace both the endings and beginnings that are unfolding. Throughout this period, we are called to balance introspection with bold action, finding harmony between the forces of change and continuity.

The Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2nd is the final eclipse for 2024. It's also the final Eclipse that has the Nodes in the signs of Aries and Libra, making this a powerful cosmic closure and the end of a major cycle.

Aries and Libra rule the axis of Relationships. Together, they represent the polarity of Masculine and Feminine energy, of independence versus interdependence. Aries is the archetypal Martian energy - active and assertive; it's self-led and uncompromising. Libra, its opposite, is diplomatic, ready to please, and eager to find a win-win situation. Passive and graceful, Libra avoids conflict and maintains harmony at any cost.

Beginning on October 9th and lasting until February 4th, 2025, Jupiter's retrograde journey through Gemini offers us an intimate encounter with the vast, often uncharted, landscapes of our own minds. In typical Gemini fashion, the pace of our thoughts quickens, flitting from one idea to the next, yet under Jupiter's reflective spell, we are urged to pause. This retrograde is not a time for external expansion or chasing after new horizons, but rather for a deep, intellectual reckoning. Old beliefs, those comfortable yet worn-out patterns of thought, rise to the surface for reevaluation. It is as though the universe is asking, “Is this truly what you think? Or is it merely what you’ve been telling yourself?”

On October 13th, as Mercury dips into the profound waters of Scorpio, its airy, analytical nature is fundamentally transformed. No longer content with skimming the surface, Mercury in Scorpio takes on the role of a psychological detective, delving beneath appearances to uncover hidden truths. Scorpio’s influence bestows upon Mercury an almost psychic quality, where intuition sharpens and the veil between the conscious and unconscious worlds thins. Conversations during this time are imbued with a palpable intensity—there is little room for superficiality. The urge to penetrate the depths of our thoughts and those of others becomes irresistible. Scorpio, after all, demands substance, and there is a magnetic pull toward exploring what is often left unsaid or buried in the shadows.

The Aries Full Moon on October 17th is the third of four Super Moons in a row over 2024. This alone makes it a highly emotionally charged, possibly volatile cosmic moment. Moreover, it’s a Full Moon in the shape of a Grand Cross, which is a pattern that unfolds when two pairs of planets are in opposition; namely, the Sun and Moon, as well as the ruler of Aries, Mars, and his ‘higher octave,’ Pluto.

Needless to say, it’s a Full Moon that packs a punch, and it comes right after Eclipse Season, too. It’s a Moon not for the faint of heart. It’s a Moon wherein all our courage will need to be mustered to face the inevitable challenges that Grand Crosses tend to bring.

Also October 17th, as Venus strides into Sagittarius, the cosmic landscape shifts in a profound way. The intense, all-or-nothing energy of Scorpio gives way to Sagittarius’ boundless spirit of adventure. It’s as if the weight of emotional depth we’ve been carrying suddenly lifts, and we’re invited to breathe freely again, seeking out the wide horizons. Sagittarius is the sign of the seeker, the explorer, and when Venus, the planet of love and values, takes up residence here, our approach to relationships shifts toward a more open, expansive vision. The longing for connection remains, but now it’s driven by curiosity and a hunger for shared experiences, not possessiveness or intensity.

However, on the contrary, the Sun plunges into the depths of Scorpio on October 22nd, marking the beginning of one of the most intense and transformative periods of the zodiac year. Scorpio Season arrives hand in hand with Halloween and the powerful energies of Eclipse Season, a cosmic alignment that calls for deep, fierce transformation. This is not a time for the faint-hearted, but for those ready to embrace the darker, more mysterious aspects of life. Scorpio is the sign of the Alchemist, the Shaman, the master of death and rebirth. It demands that we move beyond the superficial and into the core of our being, where we confront our shadows, and through that confrontation, emerge stronger, more whole, and fully integrated.