Ceres Sextile Lilith

"I have the power to embrace the unconventional aspects of my relationship, nourishing and accepting my shadows and desires."

Creating a nurturing environment
Embracing your unconventional desires
Reflecting on deepest desires
Creating nurturing emotional space

Ceres Sextile Lilith

When Ceres and Lilith form a sextile aspect in your composite chart, you have the potential to nurture and embrace the hidden and unconventional aspects of your relationship. This aspect signifies a harmonious connection between the nurturing qualities of Ceres and the primal and wild energy of Lilith. It suggests that you have the ability to tap into a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and nourishment by accepting and integrating your shadows, taboos, and unconventional desires.

Instead of viewing your relationship through a lens of societal norms and expectations, this aspect encourages you to explore the darker and less conventional aspects of your connection. It invites you to question and challenge societal taboos and to find your own unique way of expressing love, intimacy, and sensuality.

Reflect on how your relationship can serve as a safe space for both partners to express their deepest desires and emotions without judgment or fear. How can you create an environment where authenticity and acceptance thrive, allowing your relationship to grow and evolve in unconventional and nourishing ways?

This aspect also suggests that there may be a strong sense of nurturing and caretaking within your relationship, particularly when it comes to emotional needs. Both partners have the capacity to provide a safe and nurturing space for each other to express their vulnerabilities and emotional wounds. Consider how you can support and nurture each other on a deep emotional level, fostering a sense of safety and trust within your connection.