Psyche Sextile Mercury

"I am fearlessly diving deep into understanding others, aligning my intellectual fascinations with my soul's yearning to create a meaningful impact."

Exploring the depths of psychology
Uncovering hidden motivations
Understanding others' motivations
Aligning intellect and soul

Psyche Sextile Mercury

A meeting of the minds and souls is to be anticipated with strong aspects from Psyche to Mercury. Mercury, Hermes, is the traditional ruler of astrology and the occult and is able to travel easily equally to the underworld and the Heavens. There is a strong analytical, probing and psychological thread with these two archetypes combining that wants to relentlessly get to the bottom of everything and doesn’t have much time to waste. Together, they want to know the unknowable.

You have the perceptual ability to read others quite well and you may enjoy getting to know the motivation behind people’s behavior, both generally and individually. Your intellectual fascinations and your soul's yearning walk hand in hand, and following them is critical to alignment. You may be drawn towards counseling, helping professions or possibly even academic research and you can use your ability to disarm and attract as an asset.