Saturn in 2nd House

"I am worthy of abundance and value myself, embracing a balanced relationship with wealth and recognizing the value of others."

Hard work paying off
Developing healthy relationships
Healing self-worth
Overcoming money blocks


The 12 Houses of astrology are symbolic of the all the departments that make up human life. The planets and zodiac signs will manifest themselves most strongly in the sphere of life represented by the House in which they fall on your chart. Houses are not "energies" like the elements or planets, nor do they color the expression of energies like the zodiac signs do. The houses are WHERE these energies are most likely to manifest. The houses are the fields of experience, not the experience themselves.

Saturn in 2nd House

Many manifestations of this are possible for you. There tends to be some type of struggle with embodiment and taking up space within your physical body. The past life wound of scarcity can be very strong here and sometimes that can manifest as disordered eating, like eating too much or too little, or other sensory and physical complications. At the root of this struggle is worth, abundance and enoughness.

Some of you may be very focused on amassing material possessions, working yourself extremely hard for every single cent and very focused on every nickel and time in your bank account. This could even lead into hoarding, depending on how it shows up for you. The other shape this can take is with individuals completely renouncing material possessions or considering money to be evil, refusing to attach to material things. Both of these extreme poles are rooted in a somewhat unhealthy, disembodied state.

If you find yourselves in either of these categories, there are a few things at the root of this Saturn obstacle, and these are worth and value. Self-worth and valuing yourself is one of the key lessons with this placement. Saturn can sometimes squeeze your self-concept and have you undervalue your time, energy, resources, grasping or renouncing the material without addressing the underlying psychological component to this placement.

The fear of poverty and being without can apply equally to relationships as much as it does to our bank account and the tangible possessions you have. Whether you’re giving your love, time, money and energy away to people or jobs that don’t deserve you, or you’re keeping a scorecard and having relationships of all kinds that are more transactional, the way that you relate to various things and people you value can tell you a lot about what your lesson is. We can’t always change the outer world, but we can change how we relate with it. When you master this Saturn lesson, you have a balanced relationship to wealth and a positive self-worth and recognition of the value of others.

There are many things that people with this Saturn placement can do to assist themselves with this placement. Parental healing, through therapy, reflection, energy work… as the way we value things and regard money, possessions and relationships are often inherited. Things such as coming up with and sticking with a budget for some, or allowing yourself to spend a little bit for others, depending on how your Saturn expresses itself, can be very helpful.