Chiron in Aquarius

"I embrace my uniqueness and use it as a catalyst to connect with the world around me, discovering my place in the grand puzzle of life."

Expanding your perspective for growth
Realizing your potential through connection
Facing fears of isolation, seek community
Embracing unconventional thinking introspectively

Chiron in Aquarius

When Chiron is in Aquarius, there is a crisis over being grounded, over existing on Earth in a balanced way. Those born with Chiron in Aquarius are electrical, not grounded; they are air-heads. You are meant to manifest idealism, to bring great gifts to the culture in areas ruled by the house location, but you must carefully connect deep into the Earth and become realistic. You possess great potential if you can balance and connect.

You need to bring about the fullest potential in the indifferent and unconventional way in which you deal with friends, new ideas and discoveries. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to be different but you need to pay attention to whether this is what you really want or whether it is a reaction to conventional thinking.

You may have issues with your sense of belonging in the community which may make you feel like an outsider, isolated and removed from the rest of humanity. Feel different from others, like there’s something wrong with you and you can’t fit in or feel alone, even in a crowd, but also tend to seek solitude and feel relief when alone.

You can heal yourself through the search for connection, belonging and community, and your gift is objectivity – standing back and seeing the whole picture. Through increasing your knowledge of the world and creating a larger perspective of life, you can start to see how everything interconnects. Then you can see how to connect yourself with the whole and find your place in the world.

Take the time you spend alone to connect with the universe within yourself. You are capable of great originality and truly independent thought. You can use your individual mind creatively to discriminate between different systems of thought. Being alone means you can commune with the whole universe, and then bring that connectedness back to others. You can see the divine plan and that all the pieces fit into the puzzle somewhere.