Chiron in Capricorn

"I embrace my inner authority and align my goals with my true self, allowing recognition and respect to flow effortlessly into my life."

Discovering true vocation
Aligning goals with self
Embracing self-respect and acceptance
Reflecting on inner desires

Chiron in Capricorn

When Chiron is in Capricorn, there is a karmic crisis about succeeding in one's quest and balance in life between success and nurturance. This is a complex position because you are personally invested in your own success while they are still relatively unevolved. You have a greater difficulty being open to any path outside of your own.

You need to bring about the fullest potential in the prudent and reserved way in which you deal with, for instance, power, materialism etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to be powerful but you need to pay attention to what you really want or need.

You may have problems with your need for structure and achievement which may make you feel unrecognised, unappreciated, or unheard. You may fear that there’s no structure in life and that it’s too chaotic and disorganised. You may feel you can’t find your vocation or function within society, despite seeking recognition, respect and status.

Your journey involves finding your inner authority, and your gift is self-mastery. To fulfil your own goals you’re willing to work hard to gain the recognition and respect you desire. But this will only work when you align your goals with the divine, or your true Self. Healing will come from accepting and respecting yourself, and listening to your own inner voice. The need for order can be channelled into learning self-mastery which will help you to discover your true vocation.