Chiron in Leo

"I am empowered to live from the heart, embracing my uniqueness and inspiring others to do the same."

Mastering the higher will
Identifying your purpose
Healing creative self-expression
Embracing uniqueness and spontaneity

Chiron in Leo

When Chiron is in Leo, a great crisis over the ego exists which will gradually refine the native into mastering the will. It signals a life/death struggle to develop the higher will. The higher will has great affinity with the higher self. The higher self represents the form of our soul, the essential being working through a series of incarnations.

Their life and death struggle is preservation of the ego as long as it is required for survival. The key is that you cannot let go of the ego until you have matured enough. When you are ready to let the ego and release their gift through creativity, you fuse with the higher will. Any identification of purpose is very helpful, and resonation with your struggle relieves their anxiety. Worrying won't help at all, and learning to ground and relax will help.

With Chiron in Leo your healing revolves around your creative self-expression. You may feel uncreative, unimaginative and uninspired or Feel that others don’t see your uniqueness and specialness, and you don’t feel liked. You have a tendency to hide the results of your creativity and refuse to share with others or find it hard to be spontaneous and go with the flow of life and have fun.

Your healing journey involves empowering yourself to live from the heart and your gift is to see the whole of life as a creative act. When you give yourself permission to be all that you are, your innate creativity and desire to shine will come through. You’ll be able to learn where your true talents are and find a way to express yourself spontaneously. Creativity then becomes a celebration of life and you can inspire others to express their uniqueness too.