Sun Trine Natal Ascendant ~ Transit Aspects

Sun Trine Natal Ascendant ~ Transit Aspects

"I am embracing the party vibe, taking bold steps towards my dreams, and trusting that my value will always be recognized."

Sun Trine Natal Ascendant Opportunities

Getting out in the World
Meeting New People

Sun Trine Natal Ascendant Goals

Getting Results
Being Strategic

Transit Aspects

Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. Instead it is claimed that an astrological pattern with regard to the future can correspond with any one of a variety of possibilities. What is in fact foretold is the trend of circumstances and the nature of the individual's reaction to the situation

Sun Transits

The Sun is the source of all energies. These energies stimulate the activities of the houses occupied by the transiting Sun and reinforce or weaken the planetary effects, depending on the Sun's aspect to the natal planet. When the Sun transits an inner planet, it may trigger a dormant aspect between that inner planet and a slower moving outer planet. If a planet is being transited by another planet when it is being transited by the Sun, the effect of the transit is strengthened.

Sun Trine Natal Ascendant Meaning

At this time, you’ll probably feel good about yourself and want to be around others and have fun. The party vibe will hit you, and you may pull some friends into its orbit. Or that energy could express itself with the urge to travel and meet new people. Either way, it’s a time to do the things that make you feel most alive. Reflect on what activities genuinely bring you joy and consider incorporating more of them into your daily routine. This can help maintain that exuberance even when the time passes.

If you’re not a fan of your job, it’s a good moment to take time off and be freed of those obligations for a while. The time away will clear your mind and maybe you’ll come back to your job with a plan for how to get out. If you are a fan of your job, now’s the time to be bold with it. Those ideas you’ve been afraid to pitch... it’s time to face that fear. However, remember to still be strategic. The way you present an idea will have just as much of an influence on the way it’s received as its content. So prepare well and choose the optimal moment to strike. How can you align your professional aspirations with your authentic self?

If you find yourself not satisfied with your normal routine, try shaking it up. For example, you could put your exercise before your breakfast, or skip breakfast and have a great big lunch. Experiment with different set-ups and see which one puts you at your productive and emotional best. Your relations with authority should be good at this time, and you are likely to get recognition for it. But if it’s not communicated to you directly, don’t go looking for it. Trust that value will always, in the end, be noticed. How can you cultivate patience and trust in your worth, regardless of external validation?

Sun Trine Natal Ascendant Keywords


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