Transit Chiron in 1st House

"I am capable of transforming others and enhancing their appearance, while also healing my own wounds and finding optimism within."

Healing old childhood wounds
Transforming others' outer personality
Physical wounds and accidents
Feeling despondent about appearance

Transit Chiron in 1st House

With Chiron transiting the first house in a natal chart you may have some physical wounds, accidents or injuries that require surgery or make you seriously change your way of living or diet.

You could experience some despondency in connection with your physical body, maybe you don't feel that your that your appearance is good or feel uncomfortable in your skin at this time. It may even have a very good physique but you feel a little bit self-conscious. People making remarks connected with your appearance can affect you in a greater way. 

However on the positive side this could be a time where you're actually very far from being egocentric because a lot of this transit is about neglecting your own needs or neglecting your own self and more about others interests taking precedence.

You could help transform other people's outer personality and what they're projecting to others. You can help somebody get on some physical fitness program and do something to make enhancements and improvements with their appearance.

You may find some suffering connected with your outlook on life, it is a time where you feel overly pessimistic or negative even if you're rather expansive and an optimistic person you may feel rather negative.

The first house also is about our early childhood so this could be a time where perhaps some old wounds might resurface you might be thinking about them, its a good time to look at how those wounds has conditioned your experience until now and how to heal yourself from them.