Transit Vesta in 11th House

"I am worthy of self-care and deserve the time and space to rejuvenate my own flame amidst my involvement with others."

Dreaming new dreams
Focusing on self-improvement
Releasing parasitic friends
Having patience

Transit Vesta in 11th House

During the transit of Vesta in your 11th house, prioritize self-care amidst your involvement with groups and the collective consciousness. Remember to take time for solitude and rejuvenation, especially if you serve others. Consider a vacation or retreat to replenish your own flame.

Reflect on the balance of giving and receiving in your relationships. If certain individuals consistently drain your energy, create healthy boundaries. Prioritize your well-being to ensure your flame continues to burn brightly.

Amidst external noise, take a break from news and constant information influx. Redirect your focus inward, dedicating time solely to yourself. Reconnect with your desires, needs, and passions, nurturing the flame within you.

As you navigate this transit, ask yourself: How can you honor your own needs and find a healthy balance between your involvement with others and self-care?