Pholus Sextile Chiron

"I possess the power to support and empower my partner, creating a safe space for healing and transformation."

Supporting each other's healing
Creating a safe space
Nurturing each other's growth
Creating safe healing spaces

Pholus Sextile Chiron

When Pholus forms a sextile aspect with Chiron in synastry, a profound opportunity for healing and transformation emerges between you and your partner. This aspect suggests that you both possess the ability to support and empower one another on a deep emotional and spiritual level.

Pholus represents the unhealed wounds and unresolved traumas that lie buried within your psyche. It symbolizes the release of old patterns and the potential for profound healing. Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," represents the areas where you have experienced pain and struggle, but also where you have the potential for great wisdom and compassion.

When these two powerful archetypes harmoniously connect, they create a sacred space for both partners to delve into their personal wounds and sorrows. You have the opportunity to heal and transform together, providing each other with the necessary support, understanding, and encouragement to confront the darkest aspects of your souls.

Reflect on how you can utilize this aspect to create a safe and nurturing environment for each other's healing. How can you provide the space and compassion needed for your partner to explore their deep-seated wounds? By recognizing the potential for growth and transformation, you can embark on a profound journey of healing and self-discovery together.