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November 1st Scorpio Decan 1




Scorpio Zodiac Signs


Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign. Water is more receptive and introverted, but Scorpio is a Plutonian-power force. Perhaps that is why Scorpio is the sign capable of the greatest metamorphosis and renewal. If we think about it, we may look at a lake and see the interplay of light and shadows. Unless we explore further, we cannot tell just how deep it is - or what is going on within. You'll find great love, feeling, desire and sensitivity when we probe the depths of mysterious Scorpio. A fixed nature makes Scorpio favor stability. Without some positive energy, Scorpio can go to extremes. The Scorpion may use his or her the strength to exert power over others. Love can become a stronger passion than even the Scorpio can handle, and possessiveness or jealousy can surface. Independence brings balance. The Scorpio with inner security can let partners explore and remain receptive to their needs 

The Positive Side of Scorpio:
The Scorpio man or woman generally knows what he or she wants out of life. He is a determined person. He sees something through to the end. The Scorpion is quite sincere, and seldom says anything he doesn’t mean. When he sets a goal for himself, he tries to go about achieving it in a very direct way. The Scorpion is bracer and courageous. They are not afraid of hard work. Obstacles do not frighten them. They forge ahead until they achieve what they set out for. The Scorpio man or woman has a strong will. Although the Scorpion may seem rather fixed and determined, inside he is often quite tender and loving. He can care very much for others. He believes in sincerity in all relationships. His feelings about someone tend to last; they are profound and not superficial.
The Scorpio person is someone who adheres to his principles no matter what happens. He will not be deterred from a path he believes to be right. Because of his many positive strengths, the Scorpion can often achieve happiness for himself and for those that he loves. He is a constructive person by nature. He often has a deep understanding of people and of life, in general. He is perceptive and unafraid. Obstacles often seem to spur him on. He is a positive person who enjoys winning. He has many strengths and resources; challenge of any sort often brings out the best in him.

The Negative Side of Scorpio:

The Scorpio person is sometimes hypersensitive. Often, he imagines injury when there is none. He feels that others do not bother to recognize him for his true worth. Sometimes he is given to excessive boasting in order to compensate for what he feels is neglect. The Scorpio person ca be rather proud and arrogant. They can be rather sly when they put their minds to it and they enjoy outwitting person or institutions noted for their cleverness. Their tactics for getting what they want are sometimes devious and ruthless. They don’t care too much about what others may think. If they feel others have done them an injustice, they will do their best to seek revenge. The Scorpion often has a sudden, violent temper; and this person’s interest in sex is sometimes quite unbalanced or excessive.

The deepest ocean is Scorpio, which combines the depth of fixity with the reflective emotional qualities of water. Like the ocean floor, this sign likes to become inaccessible. Scorpio makes its emotions impenetrable and unshakable via this inaccessibility.


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These are Animals that have characteristics similar to Scorpio. Animals have a profound effect on our subconscious and many traditions know how we are drawn to certain animal types. The Animal Wise Tarot is a great way to understand what animals can mean to us both consciously and unconsciously. Notice the similarities between these animals like what family they belong, how many legs they have, whether the swim,run or fly. Click on the animal that connects to you the most to find out more about them.


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Animal Totems/Boar.jpg...


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