Page of Swords

Making plans
Having a thirst for knowledge
Expressing yourself more
Overcoming procrastination

Tarot Court Cards

Court cards indeed have a strong personal touch. Unlike the numbered cards who show the elements against the background of the 10 Sephiroth and are more likely defining various steps of a process, the Court Cards reflect personal human attributes within the elements, and the elements within the elements.

So a more frequently appearing of court cards within a reading implies that personal feelings and emotions are more important than various steps of an ongoing process, wether for the person who is asking or for the cards that are answering. The differentiation between a personal feeling and a step of a process is very important in reading the cards.

Page of Swords

“You have got the gift of gab. Your words inspire people to thrive in life. Use your mind to make valuable connections in life.“

This is the card of renewed energy, raw passions, and infectious enthusiasm. The card contains the image of a man pointing his sword upward in the sky. He is looking opposite to the direction of his body and sword as if he wants to know what is happening around him. The energetic youth standing on a green rocky precipice is ready to navigate through the turbulence for bringing positive change and realizing growth and progress.

The draw of this card reflects the favorable conditions for your plans. It is the right time to execute your ideas, learn new skills, and start new projects. With the Page of swords card, you look promising to explore new horizons. While embarking on new journeys, make sure not to leave anything unfinished. Maintaining your pace is the key to reaching your destination.

You may be hasty in your approach, which makes you prone to making mistakes. However, your thirst for knowledge and curiosity help you to wade through challenges and enjoy the exploratory stage without worrying about attaining mastery. The Page of swords urges you to discover your inherent communication talents and utilize them in your favor.

You have a long way to go yet. Do not feel overwhelmed by the setbacks. Keep moving on and be enthusiastic about learning more about your surroundings while striving to connect with your higher self. Words can make or break anything. Do not fall prey to flattery. Use the power of your mind to make valuable connections in life.

Reversed Page of Swords Meaning :

This card appears reversed when you hesitate to share the truth with others. You are afraid of stating your opinions because you do not want to lose your connections. But remember, anything based on falsehood can not stay for a long time. Shred your fears and speak freely. You may have made some commitments in the recent past, and it is time to fulfill them.

The reversed Page of swords reveals your inability to perform. It encourages you to understand the worth of your words and fulfill your commitments before it gets too late.